EBARA Pumps Europe in Italy will be closed on May 1st-2nd-3rd for Public Holiday

Industrial applications

Plant for the production of yeast for bread for domestic use


Köseköy (Kocaeli)

Installation of EBARA electro-pumps in one of the largest plants specialised in producing yeast for bread for domestic use and self-rising flour, based in Turkey.

The processing phase starts from the treatment and recovery of treacle, from which the powdered and solid yeast is extracted.

The treacle fermentation process yields a liquid known as ‘vinasse’, which is used as an additive for lowering the density of liquids.

The liquid’s characteristics include:

  • Density g/cm³ Min. 1.25
  • Dry weight (105°C) Min. 63.00%
  • Potassium Max. 3.00%
  • pH (1:10 ) Min. 4%
  • Chlorine (Cl) Max. 4.00%

For the vinasse production process, the customer selected and installed the AISI 316 stainless steel 3LM SERIES electro-pumps sizes 32, 50 and 65, in addition to the AISI 316 stainless steel EVML45 and EVML18 electro-pumps.
The 3LM SERIES and EVML electro-pumps are perfectly compatible with moderately aggressive liquids such as those obtained from fermentation processes, thanks to the quality of the AISI 316 steel used by EBARA.
Furthermore, the performances of the respective hydraulic systems guarantee excellent returns on the investment, thanks to the high level of efficiency of the pumps.


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