
EBARA commitment to provide clean water solution in Kenya

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We are so proud to announce that the day of Waterkiosk® inauguration for Masaku school in Machakos County (Kenya) has come!

Based on our E-Vision 2030 and to continue our tangible activities made through our technologies, in cooperation with Boreal Light  and WaterKiosk Ltd. we joined this important project, with the aim of supplying clean and safe drinking water in Kenya to a school for disabled children and to the local communities located in Machakos, a town not so far from Nairobi, through a Waterkiosk®.

Water is essential for health, agriculture, ecosystems and access to clean water is important for a safe and reliable living, we are honoured to be part of this project for Kenya!

For more details about this important project read the article or watch the video 


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